About us

For more sustainable production and consumption

 T.E.C. s.r.l. is an innovative start-up that has designed and developed a new technology for the reuse and recovery of material from rubber compounds of all kinds, including end-of-life tires (ELTs) of all types and sizes. It is an innovative process capable of recovering, through a patented technology, purified Carbon Black, effectively solving the critical issues relating to the eco-sustainability of waste-to-energy processing, typically used for ELTs. The technology involves the use of a pyrogasifier and a subsequent chemical cleaning step, with reduced emissions into the environment. The output resulting from this process is a Carbon Black which can be re-used as a substitute for “furnace” carbon black (derived from petroleum). This Carbon Black is purified from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), harmful to humans and the environment, as well as from zinc, sulfur and transition metals. A further feature of the patented technology is the possibility of also removing silica and silicates and controlling the morphology of the particles, improving their reinforcing effect in new compounds. The Carbon Black resulting from the process, called Fully recovered Carbon Black (FrCB), or Carbon Black from pyrolysis (CBp), can be used for the production of new tires and in general for technical rubber articles, even potentially intended for direct contact with man. TEC’s Core Business is the sale of plants (or licenses to build them) for the recycling of ELTs and technical rubber articles. The T.E.C. is following the authorization process to build an experimental plant (pursuant to Art. 211 of Legislative Decree 152/2006), in which the patented and already validated technology in the laboratory will be tested on an industrial scale. The plant will be built in Bari and will allow the treatment of up to a maximum of 5 tons of ELTs per day.


The ever-increasing sensitivity to the environment and the push towards a Circular Economy have placed the disposal of ELTs at the center of the environmental policies of many countries. The disposal of ELTs has become even more of a problem in economic and re-use terms, both for the tire industry and for country governments. It is necessary to identify new methods of use of first and second crushing materials. The technology patented by TEC meets the needs of the big players in the tire world to obtain Carbon Black recovered with technical characteristics comparable to those of the CB furnace, which would allow tire manufacturers to increase the percentages of recycled material within their compounds , without neglecting the importance for potential investors of building highly productive plants that allow both the effective recycling of ELTs and the obtaining of secondary raw materials of high commercial value (syngas, synoil, steel as well as the aforementioned Carbon Black).
Turning attention to the end user, it is highlighted that, to date, in Italy alone, every year hundreds of thousands of tons of gummy residues from mechanical treatment of tire demolition or carbonaceous ash from pyrolytic treatment are recycled in the form of materials first and second courses of low economic value and, above all, still full of PAHs, some of which are significantly toxic. In this, the company’s activity is highly innovative as it is aimed at developing a process plant that purifies, with very low costs and methods that are harmless to the environment, the rubber powder so that it can be reused, in a true logic of “circular economy” in important percentages in the compounds of new tires and/or technical articles intended for use in healthcare or food environments where the absence of PAHs is essential.

TEC was scouted by Siryo Spa in 2021.
SIRYO SpA was born in July 2019 on the initiative of a team made up of professionals with consolidated experience in the fields of innovation, scientific research, intellectual property and finance.
Siryo operates as a “venture studio” in the materials science sector, overturning the traditional Venture Capital approach. It starts from a collection of disruptive ideas for which stable scientific, managerial and financial support can be guaranteed. The objective is to reduce the risk rate through a structured selection process and active support for the ordinary management and decision-making of the Companies.
Siryo currently acts as Advisor for FundRock LIS, manager of the Italian alternative investment fund DISCOVERY.
Discovery invests in disruptive technologies in the field of Materials Science, selecting them through a One Health approach, focusing in particular on technologies belonging to the four key sectors (Food-Health, Biomaterials, Energy and Environment) which can be grouped into two main verticals: Health of Man and the Environment.

All companies of the SIRYO group

T.E.C. S.R.L.
Sede legale: Via Larga n.6, Milano (MI)
Sede operativa: Viale Biagio Accolti Gil 26, Bari (BA)

Tel:    +39 080 531 2316
Partita IVA 10564290962

Iscritta alla sezione ordinaria e alla sezione speciale Start-up innovative – Registro Imprese presso la Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza con codice fiscale e n.iscr. 10564290962 – Numero REA MI-2541503 – capitale sociale euro 83.601,54 i.v.
2024 donaldmediagrafic