Efficient tire recovery with patented technology

T.E.C. S.r.l. is an innovative start-up that has designed and developed a new technology for the reuse and recovery of material from rubber compounds of all kinds including, of course, end-of-life tires (ELTs) of all types and sizes.
It is an innovative process capable of recovering, thanks to a patented method, purified Carbon Black, effectively solving the critical issues relating to the eco-sustainability of the waste-to-energy process typically used for tyres.

What TEC does

New technology for the recovery and reuse of Carbon Black, syngas, synoil and steel from the recycling of ELTs (end of life tyres).
The technology involves the use of a pyrogasifier and a subsequent chemical cleaning step, with reduced emissions into the environment. The output resulting from this process is a Carbon Black which can be re-used as a substitute for “furnace” carbon black (derived from petroleum).
Our Carbon Black is purified from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), harmful to humans and the environment, as well as from zinc, sulfur and transition metals. A further feature of the patented technology is the possibility of also removing silica and silicates and controlling the morphology of the particles, improving their reinforcing effect in new compounds.

Using CB Recovered in the tyre

Our technology allows us to obtain various types of Carbon Black with technical characteristics comparable to those of the CB furnace, which tire manufacturers can use in total or partial replacement of the CB furnace in various parts of the tyre.

We are always ready to help you and answer your questions

Registered office
Operational headquarters
Innovative start-up / Innovative SME

Contact us

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T.E.C. S.R.L.
Sede legale: Via Larga n.6, Milano (MI)
Sede operativa: Viale Biagio Accolti Gil 26, Bari (BA)
Tel:+39 080 531 2316
Partita IVA: 10564290962

Iscritta alla sezione ordinaria e alla sezione speciale Start-up innovative – Registro Imprese presso la Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza con codice fiscale e n.iscr. 10564290962 – Numero REA MI-2541503 – capitale sociale euro 83.601,54 i.v.
2024 donaldmediagrafic