Project Engineer

For our project, we are looking for a young and brilliant Project ENGINEER, who will be entrusted with the following tasks:

  1. Technical optimization of the project relating to the experimental ELT recycling plant,
  2. Scouting of new suppliers and technical-economic alignment with suppliers already selected for offer optimization,
  3. Technical support during the implementation of the executive project, management of tenders for factory renovation works,
  4. Management of supply and installation of systems,
  5. Management of the income statement and business plan of the experimental plant and subsequent industrial plants. Preference for a dynamic, proactive chemical engineer with minimal experience in the world of industrial plants for waste treatment or for chemical-physical treatment of materials.
    Good knowledge of written and spoken English and an excellent aptitude for teamwork are required.


    T.E.C. S.R.L.
    Sede legale: Via Larga n.6, Milano (MI)
    Sede Operativa: Viale Biagio Accolti Gil 26, Bari (BA)

    Tel:    +39 080 531 2316
    Partita IVA 10564290962

    Iscritta alla sezione ordinaria e alla sezione speciale PMI Innovative – Registro Imprese presso la Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza con codice fiscale e n.iscr. 10564290962 – Numero REA MI-2541503 – capitale sociale euro 83.601,54 i.v.
    2024 donaldmediagrafic